Natalie – Researcher

Name: Natalie Mollagan
Role: Reasearcher

A note from Natalie:

Hi all,

This is sort of awkward, I’m not exactly sure where to begin. My name is Natalie, and I am a ember of the Erasmus roject. I am an International Studies Major, with an emphasis on Global Politics, and the egion of Africa. Social justice is something that is very important to me, for many reasons. One of the most revalent being that, as human beings, we must respect each other and take care of each other. Now, more than ever, we are living in a global community, where we all must do our part. Other reasons as to why I am interested in social justice spring from concern about the world around me, as well as more personal experiences. To put it as blunt as possible, human trafficking is absolutely horrendous. There is nothing
worse in this world than depriving someone the chance to live their lives. Just try putting yourself in these women’s shoes. I can’t even to begin to imagine having someone else have that sort of power over me, and be constantly living in fear.

Being that I am really into global politics, I decided that for this project, I would try and work on the more legal aspects of human trafficking. I believe that it is essential to know the rights of trafficked people, the punishment for this awful crime, and different resources which can help. I will be looking into local law firms, nd studying past/present cases which involve human trafficking, as well as looking at local laws and how they are being in forced, and even if we need to set new laws in place. I hope that this will be a contribution to our work as a whole, and that we can make differences in people’s lives.

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