Maya Donahue – Researcher

Name:  Maya Donahue
Role:  Researcher
Hello!!! Hope all is wonderful!  My name is Maya Donahue and I am a 2nd year student at the University of San Francisco with a major in Psychology and a Neuroscience minor.  As an advocate for the Not For Sale Campaign I will be playing a contributing role as a researcher, and gaining further knowledge on the
many aspects of human trafficking (how those involved are punished, the trafficked persons’ rights, etc).  I first got interested in social justice and developing compassion for others through family influences, especially my aunt and uncle who work with communities in Nepal.  Their experiences, stories, and knowledge led me on the path to explore other cultures and gain a better understanding and appreciation for the various people of our world.  I joined the Erasmus Project in hopes to help others that are not as fortunate as myself; not only to help them but for them to help me live a more passionate and modest lifestyle.

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